From the time my boyz were just kidlets, I told them what to do if we were out and they became lost: look for a mom and tell her. As a mom, I've stood guard over lost kids as if they were own until their parent or grandparent was located. I'd like to think that any mother who was approached by a lost child would do the same. This is what "it takes a village to raise a child" is all about.
This picture really touches me. According to the original pinner ( ... if you haven't checked it out, go forth and do so, posthaste!), this little boy misplaced his father at this year's ComiCon and, rather than freaking out, he asked the Flash for help. Look at that little guy ... he's utterly trusting that Flash will help him. I mean, that's a superhero's job, right?
As moms, we may not wear the superhero's tights (although I would like to see if I could squeeze myself into Wonder Woman's outfit ... and look as good as she does), but there's no doubt that we're superheroes.